Have you ever had a friend or partner have so many expectations of you that you were bound to disappoint them? If you answered yes, then you know the feeling of having to live up to certain expectations. If you answered no, well damn you are lucky! Damned if I do & Damned if I don’t has been an on going saying in my head recently.
I was at a get together last year that my friend was hosting. Everyone was loving the vibe except one person that wanted to change the genre of music. Me, being the people pleaser that I once was, I ran to my friend and was like “Hey, this person wants a different vibe, should we switch it up, to make everyone happy?” and his response was life changing “Antonio, you cant please everyone in life”. That sentence right there, really shook me and reminded me that I am on this planet to live my life and not the lives of others! Recently, I have been experiencing this feeling all over again. We are human and we all have certain characteristic traits and behaviors that not all people are going to like or understand. The point of humans hanging out with other humans is to love each other and want to be around that persons energy no matter the flaws that are wired in us. *Now, this is not an article to dismiss toxic behavior, because toxic behavior is not accepted! This article is referring to when people are late to something, they Irish exit at a party, they can’t make a dinner or go on a trip.* Now with all that being said, we are all bound to piss someone off right? Look at pop stars and rappers, they are judged 24/7 by fans and haters on what they are wearing, experimenting with a new genre, what they sung, what they wrote and who they are dating. Or us, everyday people, I am running late to a friends brunch, I still left my house on time and couldn’t help that there was a subway delay. Now my friend is pissed but my whole intention and mission was to be on time, things happen! Now it is up to them to accept my apology and the situation or to stay pressed. You can’t control someones reaction to your action. *Reminder, I am not talking about toxic actions*. There are several examples I can explain about us humans just living day to day and certain situations happening that will manifest into someone being upset or disappointed with us. All I want to say is, live your life and truth for yourself! You don’t live your life to please others, you live it for yourself! Be a good human and have positive intentions, that is what matters. Apologize if you are late or if there was a miscommunication moment, but if someone is still pressed, then that isn’t your situation to handle, you cant change someones emotions/reactions. Just remember, like my friend said to me… You can’t please everybody!
Related Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/tingz-tea-time-sad-boys-club-solo-trips-expectations/id1524578079?i=1000539110272
Love, Antonio
More of my work: antonioliranzo.com/links
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/antonioiliranzo/