This word has always tickled an interest in me , let’s look at the definition quickly.
Serendipity- the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.
Now, I am a big believer in manifestation and everything being connected in the universe. I’ve had a lot of experiences in life that all seemed to click, have you ever bumped into someone on a the train that you were just thinking of? I think this phenomena of all of us being synced is incredible. Now, not everyone is woke and some are going to be hesitant to even think about the universe and the potentials. Where I am going with this article is to talk about the topic of what serendipity really is. Now let me take you on a journey…
I met someone off an app this past winter, our connection fell off but we loved each others energies so much. Out of nowhere this week, we started talking via DM (In a friendly way, get your mind out of the gutter ;) ) and we had a therapy like conversation about deep topics that I needed to talk about with someone. The conversation resulted in us admitting our admiration for one another and the want to be friends. For me, I didn’t realize this was the closure I needed and also the venting session my soul needed. Thank you universe!
Let’s talk about a moment when you are thinking about a family member or best friend and they text you asking “How are you”? Or, maybe it’s an ex reaching out after a decent relationship that ended due to you both drifting apart, it was just two people at the wrong time, how about if their text or meme they shared via instagram transformed a new kind of relationship? Do you have a sibling that you are really close with and you can read each others minds or send telepathic signals (I know my brother and I send messages to each other without talking). Better yet, have you ever been stressed out at a job and out of nowhere your co-worker stayed late and helped you without you even asking? Yeah, these are all examples of events by chance (or is it by chance?) in a happy or beneficial way AKA Serendipity.
Now with all these occurrences, I believe Serendipity is a cover word for a bigger meaning and purpose. We are all here to help one another and make the world go round. These occurrences that someone can go through shows that we are all connected, losing a job and being upset but then getting a job offer by someone you ran into at Central Park. Breaking up with your partner and being hurt but then surprised because your mom arrived to your apartment for a surprise visit and now you have someone that brought comfort to you. These are all high energy/conscience moments that may never be explained how they happen, but all I know is I love living in a serendipitous world.
Love, Antonio Liranzo
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